Gerties blouse and leaks

I finished a working muslin of the Gertie's 40s Blouse and it fits everywhere including the bust, except for the arms.  Disregard its rumpled appearance.  It's actually got a couple darts in the front and is quite cute. Just saying, I've got big upper arms that are NOT muscular, ahem, so I would add about an inch next time.  The fabric I used which I got free from someone cleaning out their stash SUCKS to work with.  Just saying.  I almost melted it as I didn't realize it was largely polyester and my iron was too warm for that.  I plan on making several more of them.  May even Frankenstein it into a summer shirtdress.

Up next on the docket is another wrap dress.  I snagged some fabric on sale the other day and I'd like another wrap dress.  The first one fit beautifully although my sewing skills on that knit was not great so now that I've made one I'm gonna make another using what I learned.

On another note, the rain was torrential last night so we went upstairs to the attic to close the window on the south end.  Low and behold the roof has developed a leak.  :(  The next few days off which I had taken thinking we'd go on a camping trip looks like I'll be calling around to get quotes lined up then researching financing.  Sigh.  Our working theory is our rafters won't meet code so we'll need new ones in addition to the roofing costs.  Ugh.  I knew it was coming, just was hoping we could do it this year on our terms.  Or next year at the latest.

Wish me luck.  I'll need it I think.


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