The secret is out. Now how do I tell them no?

Soooo yeah.  Word is out I sew.  I have hemmed pants, repaired a child's sweatshirt, taken in a summer dress, and am currently making a slipcover for an ottoman.  The ottoman is just a big square but it's the leg part I'm currently puzzling over.  How do I get it neatly around the legs?  She wants it a snug fit, no skirt so...hmmmm.  On a personal sewing note, I did another sweetheart t-shirt and just a regular t-shirt with a slight scoop neck to wear to work.  One fabric I had enough left over from a skirt, the other I snagged from the remnants bin at the fabric store.
The ottoman in progress.  It's sitting up on a rubbermaid tub so I don't break my back working on it.  It's actually a lovely shade of green.  This photo clearly doesn't look like much.  Ah well.  It's 32 inches square by 15 high.   The owner is away on vacation so I asked to pick it up before she left so I'd have it to work on.

Work has been crazy busy for a month now.  Takes me all week to catch up just so I can start it all over again on Mondays with the weekend charts.  Ugh.  Today however I did get caught up by the afternoon.  Yay.  A bit of a relief. 

Not much else of any real import going on.  Been house sitting the neighbor's cats.  She also is a bit of a "collector" of crap.  And a pig pen.  She 'cleaned" it before she left but I couldn't stay there to play with the cats because it made me feel skeevy.  So spent hours just making it moderately livable and less likely to get ptomaine poisoning or whatever from her scurvy kitchen.  She has cable and told us to catch up on Game of Thrones which we did except for the  most recent episode.  That was cool being able to do that.


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