
I'm having one of those mornings.  Those mornings where I am hating my job, resenting that I have to be here.  In general I actually like my job, love the people I work with, so I'm not sure where this is coming from.  Having been sick with a bad cold for the last week may have something to do with it.  Being overly tired today may also be part of the problem.  I slept okay, but my head and chest are still stuffed up so breathing is hampered at night causing less rest than is needed.  The long weekend is around the corner roughly 8 hours away really so you'd think I had rest on the agenda.  Nope.  It'll be a weekend of working on the house, yard, and talking finances etc with D.

On the upside, that ottoman cover I made for a coworker?  She loves it.  Absolutely loves it.  Yay.  That was good.  It was fairly simple to make, the difficult part being lack of counter space for cutting out such large pieces of fabric as well as a small sewing table to wrestle it around on through my sewing machine.  I did it though and turned out pretty good if I do say so.

There are enough fabric scraps left to make a throw pillow for her. That'd be something quick and fun to make some evening.  It would also use up the scraps I always have a tough time parting with.  Yes, I'm a fabric collector but have been working on ways to bust my stash as it were.  I can just imagine my immediate relatives coming in to empty out my "estate" and seeing my fabric hoarding tendencies in all it's glory.  Not a pretty picture.  I'm better but still a ways to go.


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