Pix of sewing projects!

Here's the tunic project I did this weekend.  It's a reversible knit I got at Joanne's for cheap.  Striped on one side, polka dotted on the reverse.  I used the reverse for the neck binding and pockets.  I think with leggings it'll be a comfie casual outfit to wear on the weekends.
Here are two of the three boxers I made as well;  a star trek, and actually two star wars themed ones.  I did something with these I had not done before.  Why?  I have no idea.  I layered the fabrics for all three being careful to keep them smooth and aligned and cut them out all at once.  Yay!  I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed!

Still pondering the previously mentioned table runner.  No updates there.  The fabric arrived to work on the Cashmerette wrapped dress pattern.  Seems thin, but for a test dress it'll do.  It's a lovely dark coral.  If it works and it becomes a wearable "muslin" I'll be so happy!

Today other than finishing up the hemming of the tunic I really haven't accomplished anything.  Had a nagging headache all day.  Sigh. Dishwasher got emptied and a folded a load of laundry.  Ah well.  so be it.  There are days like this.


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