Tomato abundance and sewing misadventures.

Well, the black blouse I made is not photo worthy as I did several things wrong all of which are easily corrected on the next one.  First, I screwed up the placket assembly, second I didn't get a real clean edge on my collar, and I got the buttonholes and buttons reversed on the sleeve cuffs.  One has to be backwards to get them buttoned up.  FBA worked beautifully though.  Currently I am working on stuff for the craft booth, which may or may not happen as Sherry, my co-crafter, has been bedridden for 3 weeks and will still be bedridden for another month they estimate, maybe longer. :(

I've got another knit pencil skirt in the works as well as some flower pins.  On the prowl for some great sparkly buttons for the centers of the flower pins.

Got enough canned tomatoes in stewed, plain, and salsa form to last for a couple years.  There may be another batch or two before the season is completely over.  I didn't get much in the way of green beans this year.  Oh well.  Got some which is better than none.  Home canned are so much better than commercial beans!!!!!!!


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