Just an update

Pneumonia.  It sucks.  Just saying.  I had it 3 weeks ago, took the slew of antibiotics and inhaler I was prescribed.  It took care of it for the most part but I still have a lingering cough and I get tired easily.  Cx'd a date with my bff today so I could take another weekend to work on getting better.  Did a couple loads of laundry, watched Broadchurch episodes for a couple hours, then went outside to weed for a few.  I was pathetic.  Weed a little, sit down and cough.  Weed a little, sit down and cough.  Slow going, but I did make a wee bit of progress.  Then I came back inside to recuperate and have lunch.

The new job is okay.  Not thrilling or anything but it's busy I'll give it that.  And it pays the mortgage.  So, it'll do.

I haven't done any sewing in a while now.  Just no mojo going on is all.  It seems to have left for a while.  I hope it comes back as I feel better.


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