Another update

Just an update:

Sewing?  Not much.  The desire is there, but the intestinal fortitude?  Not so much.  Got several things either traced or traced and cut out though.  So that's something!

New job?  Going okay.  Can't say I'm real thrilled about helping the walk-ins as there are far more legal issues to consider at the hospital setting vs the clinic setting.'s good.  Am enjoying the option of walking to/fm work more so doing it more than I did when I had to go down to the clinic.  Much more peaceful walking thru neighborhoods instead of retail areas.

Really liking getting out at 3:30.  Amazing what a difference a half hour makes.

Gardening?  Got started.  Planted peas, onions are set, and kale is planted.  Tomorrow I will plant more peas, kale, carrots, radishes, and beans.  It's been warm enough.  I also mowed for the first time this season yesterday.  Got about halfway thru the weed eating, ran out of cord, and then in my infinite wisdom left it standing on its end while I put new cord on.  Needless to say it flooded and I couldn't get it started again so I called it done, put it away, and came inside for dinner.  Nice reminder to NOT stand it on its end.  Duh!

Taxes are done.  I owe.  Will mail them at the last minute because...well...I owe.

Heading to Idaho to see my uncle in June.  Will make a day trip with him to MT to see a distant cousin I haven't seen in 30 years or so, as well as get together with my bro there in MT where they will be camping.  Really REALLY looking forward to getting away.  Just me on a road trip.  Yay!


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