New job update

I have survived my first 3 weeks at the new job.  Yay.  As of March 3 they are rolling out a new process so I am sitting with a couple gals tomorrow and probably the next to learn their parts of the process in preparation for the conversion.  We 3 will be a team focusing on the inpatient charts and getting them all organized and into the computer in a timely fashion so the coders have them accessible as well.  I still don't fully understand the whole process but I soon will.

Tomorrow is the super bowl potluck at work.  I am bringing Martha Stewarts pressed picnic sandwich.  Kinda spendy, but super good.  I imagine there will be leftovers since it has goat cheese in it and there are people that don't like goat cheese.  I'd be willing to bet a buck that they never had it before, but that's just my humble opinion.

Not much sewing lately.  Not that I am out of things to sew, just haven't set time aside.  Been walking to/fm work somewhat regularly and tho no weight loss I have begun to tone up again. Huzzah.


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