The tax man and dust bunnies

March.  Reality has finally hit my cognitive brain as I realize April 15 is really just around the corner!  Augh.  So I have spent the last 2 hours making sure I have all receipts, medical expenses, and other year-end detritus gathered.  Now comes to big question:  Do I take it to an accountant/tax person, or do I buy Turbotax and do it myself?  Before we had the marine business I did it myself since it was fairly simple.  And now that we no longer have said marine business but had other atty fees etc last year, do I try it myself?  Things to ponder.  Heck, I'm still paying the accountant for our taxes from last year.  She's not cheap and I frankly don't want to go to her again if I can help it.  However, she did get us a refund which I promptly used to pay attorney fees. 

I feel better now knowing I made some paperwork inroads.  Now I guess I should get out of my pj's and get some other work around here done.  I have a short to-do list to tackle but don't let the shortness of it encourage you.  It consists of involved things, like dusting window sills, mop boards, picture frames, as well as the usual weekly stuff I dust.  It also consists of thorough vacuuming, like under beds!  I don't do that too often since I use that space to store things and vacuuming would involve exhuming said boxes of stuff to vacuum.  Not fun. 

Somewhere in the list of things to do this weekend, I think at the bottom, is sewing.  Rats.  I will do a bit, but how much is yet to be determined.  Oh, I did want to mention the deal I got at the consignment store.  Stopped by there Thursday when picking up my business mail and walked away with a polka dot skirt, raspberry colored top, and some brown heels that look a bit retro.  Two of the three items were half off so I basically walked away with a complete outfit for $24 including tax!  Woo Hoo!


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