Just an unnewsworthy update on my life

Rough night last night.  It was that piece of chocolate cake I indulged in.  NO SUGAR BEFORE BED!  You'd think I'd have that figured out by now!  Ha!  I do, it was just an indulgence. 

Gonna help the hub plant onion sets and some other things today before the weather turns for the worse.  Supposed to have rain for the rest of the week.  Apparently yesterday's gorgeousness was just a teaser.   Too bad.  I'm ready for a few days of sun!  The lawn looks freshly mowed, if a little patchy in the growth.  And moss!  OMG!  Can we grow some moss!  Will be time to break out the organic moss killer soon.  I think there's still some in the shed.  Hmmmm.

Not much else going on.  I'll post my latest sewing escapade perhaps by tomorrow, if today goes as planned with the to-do's getting done then sewing.  Have a great Sunday.


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