The pink top, as promised.

There's a spot on the picture but not on the blouse itself.  It still needs a good pressing and a hem.  Because it's on the bias I have to let it hang overnight before I can do that.  Had a difficulty with the tie area and there are things I would do different in that area but overall it's pretty darn cute!  I'd definitely make this pattern again with the changes I mentioned.  Woo Hoo!  Got this one done in record time for my schedule.  I have been trying to make an effort to sew more even if it's just a seam a  night.

Went to the thrift stores today looking for an iron since I left my good one at Shawn's cabin.  Dang it.  Anyway, I found one.  I also found some bark cloth, some hand blocked fabric, and some organza along with an upholstery scrap for making small whatnot bags.  I also got several yards of a tan twill for making a jacket I have a pattern for.  Of all these I got 3 of them for half off.  Yay!

Overall a very productive day. 


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