Sewing update

Dang, shoulda taken a picture.  Chicken fried steak, gravy with mashed potatoes and a green salad.  Looked like something out of a food magazine.  Yum! 

  Here's the "Jasmine" blouse from Colette patterns I cut out today.  It's going to be all one color, a fuscha pink.  I'll post when it's done.  No really.  I will.  I hope it fits.  I did a pattern fit is all.  We'll see.  Fortunately I am making the first out of some fairly cheap cotton.  I can tweak the pattern if it's way off otherwise can wear it normally even though its the test version.  Had a coupon so splurged and bought a wrap dress pattern I've been eyeing for a while now.  There's lots of pretty patterned knits out there now to make one out of for spring. 

The hub worked in the yard off and on this week.  He's feeling awful now.  Between that and the weather he's.....well.....under it!  The raised beds are slowly getting ready though.  Looks good. By the time it warms up more it'll be ready to plant.

Another old second hand zipper inherited from Grandma got used in a little pouch to use inside my purse: Big enough for a comb, band aids, lipstick, and small mirror.  And another small bit from my stash is used.  Yay!  That's my goal this year, to use it up and then buy more fabric!  A fresh stash as it were.  Used up some flannel I've had FOREVER on a pair of pajama pants for D.  I merged a pajama pant pattern out of a magazine with an old pair of his purchased ones to get a good fit.  He wears them but hasn't said whether they are thumbs up or not.  I'll assume, since he wears them that it's a go.

Went out with a friend last night for chocolate martini's.  She had lemon drops.  We had a good time!  Enjoyed chatting with her.  She's a new friend from work.


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