T's and ice.

I just finished the long sleeved T.  A pattern I've made before but it was too short.  I added 3 inches to the length.  Should look HAWT with the black pencil skirt I have.  Now, I need a blouse to go with those red suede shoes I have.  Hmmm, I need to go on a fabric search I think!

Walked 3.5 days this week to/from work.  Today the hub gave me a ride to work because of the freezing fog.  Guess he was afraid I'd fall and bust my patootie.  Anyhoo, I walked home.  The sidewalks were pretty clear by then.  Getting back into the groove of walking.  Feels good and I'm sleeping a bit better again.  Guess I need that exercise/decompress time so I can sleep well.  Not to mention keeps the legs in shape.  My coworker thinks I have great gams.  Uh, not something I ever was complimented on before.  Cool though.  I'll take it.

It's Friday night and I am now scheming for another sewing project.  Hmmm.  I have an idea for a purse.  But I want to make more clothing I think.  I'll work that out.

Have a good weekend!


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