Sewing again. Getting into a groove

Got some internet here at the house for a while.  Nice luxury to sit here in my chair while in my pj's and surfing the web.  Since last May we've packed up the laptop and went to a wi fi hotspot to save $$. 

I made a purse for a friend of mine.  A duplicate of the goldish colored one I made several months ago.  She loves it and suggests I make up a few to put in the craft booth in November.  Hmmm.  Thinking about that.  Seriously.  She showed it off to her quilting group and I ended up having to bring her the pattern!

I also made a skirt over the weekend but it's a bit too tight.  I need to drop a bit of weight then it'll fit fine.  The holidays were a detriment to the waistline!  I also have a long sleeved T to cut out and sew together.  I spent some time yesterday lengthening the pattern.  It needed about 3 inches to hit where I like it. 

Let's see, I'm also going to make a Kyoto purse. Drawback is I have to repurchase the pattern to download since it was on a hard drive that crashed.  Lost it.  Rats. Backup your stuff Judi!  


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