Red heels and a pencil skirt

Highly unmotivated lately.  Should be home cutting out a skirt, finishing the ironing and a multitude of other mundane tasks.  Nope.  I'm here at the library making use of the internet and fiddle farting around. 

I had yesterday afternoon off as well so I ventured to....THE MALL!  I haven't been there in a month of Sundays.  I also hit the outlet mall in a quest for a nicely priced pair of black slacks for work.  Turns out I got the best deal at JCP.  And I looked EVERYWHERE looking for that good deal.  Wandered around just looking at things also.  Looks like chunky heels are on the way out.  YAY!  I fell in love love love with a pair of red heels in Macy's.  Too spendy for my budget but OMG were they hot!  Not to mention don't know what I'd wear them with.  My choices would be very limited. 

Needless to say I spent a fair amount of wandering time in the various shoe departments soaking up all the feminine shoes out there.  Sigh.  Feminine shoes are back.  Finally.  Now if we could just phase out the oversized pants on young guys that are only held up by the hand they keep perpetually in a pocket!  One can dream.


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