just an update

Had a terrific visit with my aunt and my uncle on Monday.  Dinner was GREAT!  Thanks so much for cooking.  It was really good and the company stellar. 

It's been a busy week at work.  I'm running perpetually 2 days behind.  Can't seem to catch up.  Here's hoping next week improves and my to-do's get shorter.

I'm really getting a bit tired of no internet at home primarily for convenience sake.  Though I like sitting here at the coop smelling espresso and food, making me hungry, I'd like to be able to just access it at my convenience at home.  Speaking of, I need to look for any deals on internet providers.  I hope to have it going again one of these days.

The school tunings are coming along.  I had a couple more done today and submitted a bill, so the school district now owes me quite a chunk of change and I'm ready to start the elementary schools now.  Yippee!  Saturday I'll be going to Arlington to tune a couple pianos at a customers house then on the Marysville to Olive Garden to meet Kim for lunch.  Looking forward to that.  Sunday will be visiting with my aunt from OR and cousin.  Looking forward to that as well.  Busy weekend! 

Oh, I got some black fabric to make the pencil skirt from Hot patterns so I hope to get that cut out as well.  That weird skirt I was working on a post or two ago?  I got it finished but I neglected to pay attention to the length when I made the muslin.  It's about 3 inches shorter than I wanted but still very wearable.  I'll make it again but remember to add some length next time.  Length is usually not something I've had to worry about in the past.  Strange.  That whole pattern was strange!

Shudder.  The cats are doing their job.  I came home from work yesterday to be escorted to the door by Ripley as usual but she suddenly slowed down in the grass near the back patio and sort of blocked my way.  Good thing since I think she wanted me to see the mouse she killed laying there.  I'd have stepped on it otherwise.  Gave her lavish praise for the mouse, and for NOT bringing it in the house.  I put it in the trash can this morning.  Ugh.  Rigor had set in.  Just...ugh!


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