Purse musings

Here's the purse I finished a bit ago.  I got the pattern from a blog and she called it the machen-machen wasp bag.  I'd source her blog but for the life of me I can't recall it.  However, were you to google the above title I'm sure you'd find it.  The fabric was some butter-ish gold upholstery fabric I was gifted, and the lining is just plain fire engine red cotton fabric.  As you can tell by the mish mash I have in the bag shot it holds lots, and I have taken full advantage.  It's a catchall for stuff throughout the day.  I wasn't sure how well I'd like it but it has grown on me.  I stared at this upholstery fabric in my stash for about a year and inspiration struck when I was searching for purse ideas and saw this one.  Turned out rather well I thought! 

I am finally wrapping up the skirt I've had cut out for over a year.  I had to downsize the pattern and recut the pieces since I'm 2 sizes smaller than I was back then.  The directions on doing the kick pleat really puzzled me and it didn't turn out as well as I hoped, but no one will notice unless they turn it inside out.  I have the waistband left and as typical of this skirt it is a weird assembly process and when I read the directions it boggles my mind.  I'll get it though.  She posted the how-to on youtube.

The hub has been up at Concrete for a few days working on his canoe.  He is almost finished I think he said.  I'll be heading up there probably Saturday morning to spend the weekend with him and chill at the hangar.  Have been working diligently on the school pianos.  I've got one of the middle schools done and half the high school fleet.  It's hard to get them done quicker since I can't get to them till after 4 each day.  Oh well.  I took the afternoon off my regular job to get into the middle school since they have early dismissal today and tomorrow.  I finally got smart, planned ahead and asked for those early release days off ahead of time. 

Back in August the hub and I went to Idaho to visit my uncle.  While there we stopped at this brewery and I had a vanilla stout.  Sounds strange but it was SO GOOD!  Very smooth and the vanilla was surprisingly a pleasant addition to the stout.  Their beers were actually quite smooth, no hoppy bite, well, except for the pilsner I think it was and i recommend them.  Hope they are there when we get around to visiting again.

Not much else to tell you about comes to mind so I'll end it here for now.  After I've logged off and go home I'm sure I'll think of something I forgot.  Figures.


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