Tatty undies

I did it.  Went underwear shopping.  What finally pushed me into such a loathsome chore you ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  Monday began sunny and warm and looked to be a beautiful day.  I decided the linen skirt would be perfect for work wear today so I gathered the necessary undergarments, espadrilles, and blouse and got ready for work. Those that know me well know I am NOT a morning person and pretty much get ready by rote with little to no forethought to what I am doing until that first blessed cup of coffee.

I drove to work thinking how beautiful it was and how I was looking forward to that first cup of coffee.  After clocking in, firing up the computer and washing out my mug I headed to the cafeteria.  On the way back to my little room I felt my undies begin to slip.  Two steps later they were at my upper thighs!  I slapped my other hand that wasn't holding the scalding coffee onto my hip/thigh and began mincing to the nearest door jamb where I gave them a yank through my skirt, then replaced that hand on my hip and minced all the way back to my office where I promptly pulled them up the rest of the way and proceeded to have a giggle fit.  Apparently I grabbed an old, stretched out, that time of the month, tatty pair that I never really had an issue with before since I rarely wear a skirt! Rifling through my desk I found a safety pin and scurried to the nearest bathroom, hand on hip, to pinch out the excess stretched out waistband so i wouldn't have anymore wardrobe malfunctions.

All I could picture was me suddenly hobbled by my tatty underwear and doing a face plant in the hallway where a cute resident would walk by....well, you get my drift.  How mortifying would that have been!  When my coworkers arrived later I regaled them with that tale until we all were in tears.  I had the giggles for quite a while after! 


Lunarsola said…
bwahahahaha! The visual. The mincing steps...bwahahahahaha! Now I know what to get you for your birthday. :P :P

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