I need the T-shirt!

Here's the apron I made last weekend!  it was something fun just to make for no particular reason.
It's from a pattern my Mom cobbled together from I don't know where and had made my Dad a shop apron back in the day.  It seemed to fit and cover all the right places so I made this one out of denim and put an appropriate embroidery on it as well!  Suits, don't you think?

Here's evidence of how good the 4th of july pie was:

 It's gone now of course but we did score 8 more cups of cherries from the tree today which I spent some time with using our antique pitter getting them ready for the freezer.  Yum!  I posted the recipe per Stacy's request on FB.  With the BBQ ribeye we had along with potato salad and yes, wine, it was a glorious holiday meal!  And I got a lot accomplished that day.  Well, not really but it felt like it. 

Gotta say there are times I'm not digging having internet at home.  I'm sitting at an internet cafe posting this. While I like watching people and the food smells coming from the kitchen here, it's not very convenient.  However, I almost have D's medical bill paid off. Just $60 more to go!  Then hopefully we can get internet again.  Can hardly wait.  I get on here and there when I'm at work to take a brief mental vacation but it also is not convenient.  Oh well. 


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