lima beans? Really?

Escaped the hub tonite to come to the food coop to partake of their internet without feeling rushed to get through the stuff I needed to before he needed the computer.  Ah bliss.  Except for the guy who insisted on chatting me up while I sat here on the internet doing things and obviously occupied!  Grrr.  Anyway, I got through my necessaries in relatively record time!  Now, I am indulging myself by typing on this blog. 

The hub while looking over the neighbor's motor home gave himself a concussion a week ago.  Sliced his head open pretty good.  Thought stitches might be in order till we were able to get the blood cleaned up and see the damage.  It actually quit bleeding and wasn't that bad.  Head wounds never cease to amaze me how much they bleed!  He has been dizzy for the last week because of it.  It's better but still not top notch.  He saw his regular rheumatologist today who put the hammer down on his RESTING.  He doesn't really get the gist of how to do that so it was nice to have backup since I had told him he needed to lay around and do very little till he was better.  He does for a bit, then gets up to do something, rests a bit, does something, yadda yadda.  So now he has to rest for longer stretches of time.  Officially! 

This weekend I made some delicious meat called Donnair that a coworker told me about and brought in the recipe.  She's from Canada and goes to a "donnair stand" to get this stuff usually and it tastes very much like gyro meat.  And so EASY!  Wow!  I even had success making it out of turkey meat.  I just made sure I slathered on some bacon fat to keep it moist while it baked.  I even made up a big batch of tzakiki sauce to serve it with.  Yum!  Let's see, I made rice crispy treats and baked beans from scratch as well.  Had some lima beans to use up (yuck) but when turned into baked beans they are delicious!  The kitchen kept calling me this weekend.  I did some other things too but for some reason I'm drawing a blank all of a sudden.  I think it was the torrential downpour we had on Saturday.  Made me nest.  And read old recipe books to try to find what to do with all those lima beans!!! :)  Oh, speaking of old recipes, I made my new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe from an old book.  Calls for baking powder as well as baking soda.  Sure turned out good! 


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