
Finished that red corduroy deco vibe blouse...actually had buttons that matched the color and had the correct quantity.  End of the world is almost upon us I'm thinkin' for that to have happened.  Haven't sewn anything except I do have some gifted gold-ish colored home dec fabric that I think will make an excellent purse for schlepping around.  Downloaded the pattern (free) from the internet so all i have to do is print it out.  Looks easy peasy!  Yah!  Okay, I take that back.  I did sew a curtain for the bathroom window.  Don't recall off the top of my head if I mentioned that in an earlier post.

We got rid of internet for a couple months to save $$.  Gotta say, I'm getting used to it though there are times it's a PITA.  Tonight the hub is taking a solar energy class here at the Coop so I'm sitting in the cafe in a comfy chair surfing, catching up this blog, catching up on the regular blogs I read, and drinking a decaff latte.  I know, what is the point of decaf you gives me a reason to sit here taking up space in their cafe!  That's why!  And I feel less guilty.  

Just received a couple patterns from the same Deco Vibe blouse company.  Both skirts, one of which was on closeout so it was only 3.95!  yay!  They are usually 13-16 bucks!  Now I need to get to the fabric store to buy fabric.  I went to Joanne's the other day and nothing grabbed me. it is I guess.  Good price and a good selection, all on sale!  Don't know what my deal is with wanting to make a skirt.  Been thinking about it for a while.  Also need to go shoe shopping.  Don't have anything appropriate for wearing with a skirt!  Perhaps the skirt thing will pass! LOL  Doubt it though since I've been eyeing those patterns for some time now.

I'll post them when/if i get them done sometime this century. ;)


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