This feels like a long weekend!

Yesterday seemed long...but in a good way.  Started out with 4 hours overtime.  I left there and headed to Lake Stevens to meet a girlfriend for a mexican lunch and long visit.  It is always good to see her.  I haven't seen her since October, and previous to that 20+ years!  We are getting back in touch and it is to quote Martha, "a good thing".  After leaving there I gave my brother a jingle since I was still in his neck of the woods.  Well, he and Junebug had migrated to the Skookum in Arlington for a beer so I headed back north to meet them there.  Had a good visit with them too.  Then it was home to fix a fabulous mongolian beef stir fry with my hubbie that was recommended to me by my cousin.  Gosh it was so, so good!  A good movie after dinner and to bed! 

Today was not so fortunate.  I woke up early early due to pain in my eye.  Apparently my eye was a little open and my eyeball was stuck to my pillowcase.  OW!  Hurt like all get-out when I turned my head which peeled my eye off the pillowcase.  The agony woke me up and my eye has been a bit sensitive all day.  How weird!!  Can't say I have ever experienced that phenomenon before!!!  I hope to never experience it again!  Headed to work and proceeded to plod through the pile (and I use that term loosely since it's all digital) of things to file.  At the 6.5 hour mark my computer was getting slower and slower till it finally kicked me off the program!  Grrrr!  I only had 8 files left to file but I took that as a sign, along with my increasing sleepiness, to get out of there.  Dragged home to have a sandwich and recharge.  The recharge theory didn't take.  I'm still pretty tired but it feels good to not be working.  After a rest and at the request of my chocolate fiend I made fudge.  He's out mowing the lawn and burning off that sugar!  HA!  I think I may head over to the sewing machine so I can finish the pinwale corduroy Deco Vibe shirt I started a while ago.  Basically a duplicate of the pink one I posted earlier except I put the darts in this one.  My timing bites since it's corduroy and the weather is warming up.  Oh well, I'll be prepared for fall!!!!


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