3 days of what?

What happened????  Yesterday was gorgeous but of course first day of the 3-day weekend I took it easy and didn't accomplish much just enjoyed the sun.  Now I'm kicking myself!  The wind is up, it's overcast, and feels like rain.  What was i thinking???!?  The lawn needs mowed, DH needs help planting veggie seeds today, and I still have some weeding to do. 

What did I get done yesterday?  I finished, well almost finished, the corduroy(deep red though this pic doesn't show it)  Deco Vibe shirt.  Still need buttons but otherwise it is DONE!  I used the darts this time to add more shape.  Onward to another project like some more capri's for work and a new shower curtain.  Joanne's is having a 50% off the clearance rack and there's a couple linen bolts in there making them $3 a yard!  Guess what I'm gonna do this afternoon?  Yep.

I did make a large batch of homemade caramel corn which my husband inhaled!  I haven't made any from Mom's recipe in years but the planets aligned, I had corn syrup in the cupboard, and enough brown sugar in the bin.  I didn't have chocolate to salve his usual craving so I made this hoping it would suit.  It did.  Vanished faster almost than it took me to make it.

Sitting on the front porch drinking coffee in the sun and watching the world go by was perhaps the highlight of my day yesterday morning.  It felt quite decadent.  Must do that again!

The flag is hung for Memorial day and prayers are said for all the soldiers who sacrifice so much for our freedom.  


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