Deco Vibe...completed!

D's artsy pose idea

Here's the aforementioned Deco Blouse in pink.  I think next time I'm going to go ahead and put the darts in.  It would add more shape in the bodice and look less boxy.  I really like this pattern and it went together so smoothly!  Something to be said for indie patterns!!  I haven't worked with more than a couple indies so its a continuing learning experience.  I've got my eye on a Pamela's Patterns pencil skirt.  Oh, and a Colette Patterns blouse cut on the bias.  Just love the pictures on Flicker of all the versions people have made of them. 

March is turning so crazy weather-wise.  Today I woke up to snow and wind, it rained, we got sleet, hail, and sunshine.  I'm grateful I drove today because I would have gotten soaked coming home!  Of course the sunset was lovely but it appears to be drizzling again.  Sigh.  What's that quote?  In like a lion, out like a lamb?  I think we will all be ready for that lamb!!!


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