Super What?

Behh!  Superbowl weekend.  I know I'm spouting anti-Americanism here, but I could really care less about the Superbowl.  I didn't even know who was in it until a couple days ago.  I'm so NOT a football fan.  I will take this day hopefully to go for a walk, work on the pants I'm almost done with, and perhaps make some cookies for the hub.  Me time in other words.  At least partly since D didn't see me much this week as I left early to walk to work and for some reason this last week wore me out.  I went to bed somewhat early almost every night last week.  I was just so tired!  Other than walking I don't know why I was so sleepy.  The work I do is no different than what I did at the previous location.  The atmosphere/vibe is different though, less mellow so that could have something to do with it.  And the walking has not been particularly strenuous.  17 minutes up a slow grade to work.  Not difficult really.  So the tiredness baffles me.

On another note, John has suggested I make a Poe purse to donate for the Humane Society auction at the end of the month.  Don't know if I'll get it done, but I think I'll give it a try.  If I have enough stuff leftover to make it since funds as always anymore are low.

D got a call from an old coworker/friend the other night.  He's been back in the area for a while now but just contacted him and he came over.  The guy has gone through substance abuse, marriage/divorce and weekend child visits in the last few years.  He has always been somewhat frustrating to watch for me since he's a nice guy, excellent worker, but self destructive.  Very self destructive and I just keep hoping he'll get his head out of his a** and fly right.  Well, he's apparently on that track at the moment and after hearing him talk he's grown up somewhat.  About time since he's in his mid 30's.  That was a pleasant break in our evening to see him! 

Maybe if we get some $$ after D's court date we can hire him to help with some of the fixing up around here. He's looking for side jobs. We hope this spring to take the chimney down since we've upgraded our furnace a few years ago and we no longer need it.  It's losing it's mortar here and there also so it would have needed rebuilding above the roof line had we still continued to use it.

A girl can dream anyway.


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