All hail Cesar Milan

I would love to dump my frustrations out here regarding some egos at work, but I'll leave that to my counselor!  Better to not publish that for general consumption.  On the upswing is my little vacation with my aunt to Idaho to visit my uncle.  I'm leaving Saturday morning and am at this point really looking forward to it! 

The Labor Day Weekend was spent here at home for the most part.  We did go to Coupeville Saturday to look at an upcoming job and mess around playing tourist.  Sunday we spent the day picking up the house, catching up laundry and all that fun stuff.  Then that evening D's nephew, his aunt, and 2 little great nieces rolled in for a couple days.  Those girls are cuter than a kewpie doll!  And they glommed on to me almost right away.  I had D get my old Barbies out of the attic to play with and they provided HOURS of entertainment, most of which were spent on my lap.  One is 3 and one is 6.  Their mother passed over a year ago.  Sad.  The Dad doesn't appear to be very hands on unless discipline is required.  He left it up to his mom and me.  Could be he was taking a break but I think not.

They went to the islands today and are not back yet.  It's getting rather late too.  Must have had a big line at the ferry.  I have spent the evening walking their dogs...thank you Cesar Milan!  They have 2 and one is notorious for fighting the leash.  I spent 40 minutes walking them and utilizing his techniques and had almost NO problem with the tough one.  I just made sure to keep the dog on the moment and he continued to heel pretty well!  Wow!  I have finished their laundry as they got it only halfway done when they left for the islands today.  I also did some of ours, picked up the Barbie stuff and finished cutting out the lining for a purse I'm making.  I'm currently listening to Luther Vandross.  I haven't listened to this CD in a few years.  Dug it out and figured I'd give it a spin.  Good for housework! 

I'm currently thinking of plugging in Harry Potter or something to wind down for bed.  I still feel a bit wired for some reason. 


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