Cottage pudding musings

I forget where the hubbie and I were and just why this topic came up but it caused some pondering.  The question was what if you had 24 hours to live and you could have anything in the world for that last dinner, what would it be?  Hmmm, thick steak rare, or something exotic I never get to have? choice is as follows:

  1 large piece of perfectly barbequed copper river salmon, smoky and moist, some homemade cold slaw (I like mine thank you very much), a baked potato with fresh butter, seasonings, and perhaps chives, and for dessert Grandma C's cottage pudding.  For me the perfect meal.  Of course that meal with the exception of dessert variations brings back home and family and good times.  I imagine that is why it would be my last meal rather than something more exotic or creative. 

I've been thinking quite a bit lately of Grandma C's cottage pudding.  I think since Mom passed I've only made it a couple times since it seems my brother and I are the only ones who really like it.  I'm going to have to make it here one of these days to take care of the craving and be damned about who likes it or not.  Out of curiosity I've googled it and found many forms none of which is like what she made.  I'd bring the leftovers to work but as it has raw eggs in the sauce I don't imagine that would be wise. 

Spring is springing and the dandelions are blossoming.  Dang.  They are rampant in this neighborhood and I hate using chemicals to get them under control but it seems to be the only thing that really knocks them back.  I might splurge and get a broadcast spreader.  Was going to do that tonight after mowing but decided the dishes and laundry needed my attention more immediately.   Didn't want to go to the hardware store all sweaty with grassy bits stuck all over me either.  Most unattractive! :)


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