Sewin' til I drop

Watermelon summer quilt is close to finished. I must sew 190 1/4" buttons on the pink triangles to simulate watermelon seeds. ????? Will look cool but looks like I must order that many online to save money. Guess my next several evenings will be filled with hand sewing buttons. The photo on the left is DH's business logo put on an old carrhartt vest. Yes, I embroidered it with that wonderful new machine I have. We paid for digitizing the design but I did the rest. Looks pretty good for a first time don't you think? Poor machine didn't like that thick of stuff though. Did fine on thinner things.

I've been working on a table runner for the secret santa thing at work. The party is after work on the 18th so I have a little time. Can't procrastinate though or I'll be panicking on the 17th. That would be my usual M.O. Speaking of advance planning, I mailed out my Xmas cards yesterday. Yes, I know. Don't faint. I'm finding out just how much I vegged in front of the tv. Not to mention I'm not on my feet all day anymore so I actually have some steam left in the evenings! I haven't had any for years! That records job just kicked my A**! Never had any energy left at the end of the day to do much of anything. Weekends the last thing I wanted to do was something that involved walking or standing. That's changing now however.

DH is still suffering that psoriatic arthritis. His insurance won't cover anymore Humira. His Rx quota has a cap and he reached it. So that's out. The Feldine he was taking for inflammation is beginning to give him an upset stomach so he's stopped that. Looks like it is pain killers as needed, muscle relaxers when he's desperate, and ibuprofen as needed. Sigh. He gets very little sleep and he's hurting all the time. Nothing really seems to help. There's no fix. He's hurt off and on for years but it has been almost a full 12 months of it now. No reprieve. Poor guy. It's affecting his health and mental state. He can't focus on things due to lack of sleep. His appetite is poor. Hmmmm. What a conundrum. Something out there must help we just haven't found it yet.


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