The roof was caving in

I had a really strange dream last night. Well, two actually but one is too gross to talk about. The other which I only recall part of consisted of me and Dad and Daulton and our '74 F250. One of us was driving it in a weird town. Everything looked goldish brown like the sun was setting and we went to park the truck on the crest of a berm which turned out to be a roof of a building. We got out of the truck and heard creaking, then the truck started to break through the roof slowly and the front end began dipping down into the building. We were trying to figure out how to stop it and if insurance would pay for the building repair and how we were going to get the truck out of the building....then all of a sudden the bed of the truck was removed and we were able to pull it out before it sank through the next floor. What the heck????

The other dream also had Dad in it. He must be on my subconscious mind a lot lately. Anyhoo. It is the big T-day coming up. We are going to lay low and keep a quiet day here at the ranch. I have to work the next day because as usual I forgot to ask for Friday off well in advance. Gotta plan these things in advance and triplicate now that I'm just one of the minions. I've been absorbed by the Borg for any Star Trek fans out there.

I'm working on a quilt right now. The end is in sight. Still a ways off but I can see it. Then I need to whip up a quilted table runner for the secret santa at work. I don't have the extra money but I have lots of fabric and some time in the evenings. We got rid of cable tv so I take the time to do other things in the evenings. We kept the internet for now.

Next up, baking. I want to make pumpkin fudge. I had some in Michigan a few years ago and I saw a couple recipes at I'm going to try and recreate it. Grandma wants biscotti and I will load her up. Dipping for her coffee. Essential.

Better go figure something for dinner. Have a good evening.


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