Old home week...with sewing

I have had the week off from the clinic. My goal was to get the school tunings done and I did make a dent, albeit small. I spent the rest of the time doing some errands and chores or taking some personal time and sewing. It has been glorious. There is never enough quiet time to sit down and sew. I just finished a blouse I've had the fabric for since the beginning of summer. It was to be a summer blouse for work....it is almost fall. Sad. Ah well, it is done and turned out pretty cute. It was from a pattern I ordered from Europe. I'm becoming more enamored with European or independent pattern makers. They seem to fit my figure more than the large American makers. More realistic I'd say. Looks like something my mom would have worn in this picture, but it actually has more of a shape than the boxy ones she wore. Not to mention the collar treatment is different.

I must make a comment on my new-to-me sewing machine here: I LOVE THE AUTOMATIC BUTTONHOLE FEATURE!!!! First time I've used it. Easy-peasy and I just sit there and watch it. The only drawback is measuring the buttons in metric. I was a little rusty. Millimeters?? Which marks are those?

Oh, I also ordered the card reader/writer and software for my machine off ebay. Augh, but DH wants me to make shirts etc. for his work and I needed that so I could put his logo on the card to digitize it. Got a pretty good deal, but wasn't a steal like I'd hoped. Still cheaper by half than getting it from the dealer that sold me my machine. Should be here maybe Tuesday.

My aunt who lives in France is arriving Sept. 1. My brother and I are going to pick her up at SeaTac. Looking forward to seeing her as we haven't seen her in...20 years? She's bringing her husband who doesn't speak English. Should be a challenge. Good thing they are coming since Grandma is beginning to fail and we don't know how much longer she'll be with us.

My friend and her husband from Nevada came to see her folks last week. We got together a week ago for dinner and she gave me some mineral makeup from Costco. Now I've been using the foundation and blush for some time, along with mineral veil. This is the first time I've used the eyeshadow and I LOVE IT! First eyeshadow that doesn't irritate my eyes or give me a headache. Cudos to her for introducing me to it. Makes me want to wear it every day! Sure was nice to visit with them both. They look good despite some the of trials and tribulations they've undergone.


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