A delicious morning

It has been a deliciously productive morning! I made 2 batches of marionberry jam and had enough berries left over to make a cobbler. Yum! Now all I need is some vanilla ice cream!

The last weeks heat wave was unbearable! My thick blood couldn't handle it and my webbed feet dried out! I have spent a large part of this weekend catching up on chores that didn't get done because it was too darn hot! I also fired up the lawn mower to cut down the dandelions. The grass ain't growin, but the weeds certainly are! They are tenacious!

Last weekend we also did something that was loonnngg overdue! Dare I say YEARS overdue?! When we got the new heater installed a couple years ago we didn't remove the fuel tank from the old furnace. We kept dreading it and thinking it was going to be so difficult to maneuver out of its special little hole and squeeze between the furnace and a support post. Boy were we WRONG! Like butta baby! We were both embarrassed at how easy it was and couldn't believe we had waited so long. What a couple of knuckleheads!

Here's a picture of DH at Lake Cavanaugh on the 4th. I was a little lax on the picture taking so the selection of photos is very slim! What was I doing?! Just laying around basically. LAZY! Ah well, it was worth it.


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