Raw foods diet

I just tried BBQing for the second time this season and DH thought it was underdone AGAIN! Geez! I've lost my knack and I'm developing a complex! Personally I thought it was fine. The fish was flaking as it should be. It just wasn't dry enough for him. Good halibut wasted. He wouldn't eat it. I ate all I could but he threw his out. Oh well. Said three strikes and I'm out. I baked a chicken and it was underdone near the bone over the weekend. Great! I don't have to cook anymore!

On another note I got some chores done this weekend that were long overdue. I also relaxed in the yard a bit. Unusual for me as I don't usually lounge outside. Burned the top of me feet too. OW! Serves me right I guess for stopping mid chores to enjoy the weather.


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