Happy Independence day!

Agh! Mosquitoes! I look like I have the POX! Got 6 of their little love bites on my face and innumerable ones on my arms and legs. We don't usually have a problem with them around here so there's got to be standing water somewhere nearby. The air has also been very still this month so they don't blow away. Went outside this evening to water the bamboo and immediately had 7 or eight of them swarming around me.

Plans for the 4th of July are still in flux. We may be either at Lake Cavanaugh or Orcas or both. I'm hoping for Lake Cavanaugh. I want to have a relaxing, peaceful time and not be having to shmooze with potential clients of DH's business. That's what Orcas would be. Do it if I must but I'd really like to chill for the weekend. And will wonders never cease?! The clinic is giving us Friday off....I almost fainted!

DH has quit taking Methotrexate for his PsA. It made him horribly sick and gave him lesions in his mouth. Bad reaction. So he's upped his prednisone dose for the time being to try to alleviate the pain, along with muscle relaxers and ibuprofen. Oh, and his triglycerides were extremely high so he was put on TriCor to bring them down. Geez. Talk about a lot of meds. He's also taking B12 and vitamins. A physical is in order in July. He hasn't had one of those in a few years. He got his labs done ahead of time and that's where we found out his tri's are high.

I'm currently working on a pair of capris. Actually it will be a morphed version as the dress code at work says the capris cannot be shorter than two inches from the ankle. Now if you ask me that is just high-water pants not capris. I have this plan to line the lower leg with a print and when I'm not at work roll them up to capri length. If it works they should be cute as the fabric I have to line them up is a modern quilting cotton in a pretty pattern. The reason i went to such effort is I got warned about a pair of dressy capris I wore to work that were 4 inches from the ankle, not 2 so I can't wear them there. The office Nazi was on patrol and she pissed me off, so I plan on making these pants 2 inches from the ankle but want to roll them up after work. Or while I'm in the aisles just filing papers and not among the public. She can bugger off as far as I'm concerned. If they work I'll post a picture when they are done.

Everyone please have a safe, happy holiday weekend!


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