Spicy lamb curry - yum!


The above is a blog with an etsy shop linked. A great place for interesting car accessories. This gal is so clever! I got a garbage sack and a tissue holder from her. Too cute and very cool. Gave some as gifts and they were well received.

Yesterday I went with my best friend to a cooking class in Bellingham about Indian food. I learned how to make palak paneer, lamb curry, spiced basmati rice and a dessert. Indian food seems less an intimidating process now. I get it. It tastes more complex than it really is to make. While I was up there I stopped at the fabric store - no brainer there!

I also got the lawn mowed and trimmed yesterday. Sure looks sweet when that chore is done. Such a sense of accomplishment! Today we got rid of the pile of scrap lumber we've had piled against the shed for 9 months or so. By the end of this week we hope to have all the scrap metal in our little driveway taken to the recyclers and it will no longer be an eyesore for our neighbors. Woo Hoo! Progress.

Now it's back to chores. I still have quite a bit of laundry to finish before the work week starts. Sigh.


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