Spring is coming...I think

Been a while. I've been working much at the clinic, playing with my new-to-me Pfaff sewing machine, and generally feeling blah about writing. Nothing of any great interest going on here in ol' Empty Vernon at the ranch although today the sun is shining and I want to work in the garden. Problem is it was below freezing last night again so still too cold to do too much. I did prune the roses the other day however. Maybe they will do better this year. I got 3 free roses from a friend who was cleaning out her yard and I transplanted them last year. Hopefully this year they will spring back to their previous glorious selves. I did get the motorhome mucked out and the carpet cleaned in there today in preparation for camping season. Hope we go more this year than last. Which reminds me that I have to buy a couple new area rugs for the entrance. It gets so grubby at the door of the motorhome despite wiping our feet etc.

Perhaps I'll go to the local box home improvement store and look at what they've got. I also have been dealing with a yen to paint the bedroom and perhaps the livingroom here. DH says don't worry about it. There's other things that need doing. True, but there's something so satisfying with getting a room painted. Perhaps he'll settle for a compromise. I'll work on the wiring here in the house AND paint the bedroom. Hmmm? Or work on the railings on the porch? Hmmm.


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