A reading frenzy

I'm caught in the Twilight! Been reading the series thanks to a gal at work. Gotta say the first 2 books really sucked me in - we're talking staying up till 1:30 on a school night because I couldn't put the darn book down. I'm at the 4th and last book now, about 1/3 left to get through. This last book seems superfluous to me. As if the story could have been cut much shorter, blended book 3 and 4 perhaps. Needless to say I've been slogging through it.

What triggered the marathon was viewing the movie. I thought it was all right but as these things go figured the book would be much better. Picked it up at a used book store for 4 bucks and began. Agh. My husband has been a book widower for a week now.

One of my coworkers is on vacation this week and though it is only Tuesday I feel as if a week has gone by. Today was absolutely unfreakin' believable. I've not had a hectic, busy day like that in quite a long time. Easily could have stayed for another 2 hours and been busy the whole time. The recent budget issues have made that option frowned upon however. The company is trying to find ways to cut the budget more than it already is.

DH has been working pretty steady still. That is a good thing. He's coping with his psoriatic arthritis pretty well. The meds he's on helps as does the chiropractic treatments since his back is so messed up and has been for years. He's finally doing something about it! Whadda ya know!

I made a red knit top last week and wore it to work. Got several comments on it though I thought the fit wasn't quite right. I'll tweak the pattern next time. The people couldn't believe I made it. Ignorance is bliss I guess. Knit tops are such an easy thing to make and very forgiving.

Better hit the sack. It's getting late. I just figured on giving an update since it's been a bit since I've posted.


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