Cough cough cough

I'm sick and tired of being SICK! Tried to go to work yesterday and I was voted off the island. My coworkers overruled me and sent me home as I still was crappy, croupy, whatever. I kept falling asleep today and not getting any chores done to speak of. I did get some laundry finished and some bread made in the bread machine but that was all.

Don't know where I picked this up. No one at work has the same sort of illness but I could have picked it up from a patient. My brother is sniffling and coughing too, but it sounds like he has been able to put in some time at work. It has frankly kicked my patootie so I've been off all week. Looks like this is gonna be my year to catch stuff. Great.

The sun is currently shining outside and it is beautiful. To look at anyway. I haven't ventured out since I took the trash out this morning for the garbage men. Got chilled and it took me an hour to warm up.

On another note people at work have been participating in their own version of "the biggest loser". The lose weight bug has finally rubbed off a bit on me. I didn't join their session but I have dropped 10 lbs so far on my own. May I stay on the straight and narrow. When I feel better I hope to start walking again. DH wants me to join a gym but I don't want to spend the money. Not right now anyway. I have a good walking CD I'll continue to follow for a while.


Anonymous said…
May I remind you that health is your greatest investment. Erm...especially as we are getting older.

My 2 lincolns anyway.

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