Lessons I could have taken from Noah

Well, I had grand plans to get started working around the house after DH left for his manly-man long weekend hunting. Bah! We had a virtual MONSOON last night and it flooded the basement. I cavalierly tossed my hand, smiled, and didn't go down right away to squirrel away any perishable items that may or may not have been on the floor. DUMB DUMB DUMB! There was a CARDBOARD box full of ALL our old photos. What in tarnation was I thinking?!!! I spread them out on every available surface to dry. I even opened drawers to lay them out on top of stuff in them.

As they have begun drying I am scanning them into our computer. My gawd what a task! There must be well over 1000 pictures here. Now granted it is like a trip down memory lane to see some of them. We actually have been to some pretty cool places. I have found some pictures of hiking trips I had forgotten about or didn't recall very much of. Gorgeous! We have seen some really pretty places! These are just a sampling. We've got more that is much prettier.

Anyway, I am going to organize the piles I've got all over and get picture boxes to put them in once I've scanned them. I hope to get them at least together enough that I can clean the house up tomorrow. I also must go out in the yard and clean up all the wood scraps from DH cutting the stair stringers for the porch. Perhaps begin screwing the boards on the porch stairs too. Hmmm. Much to do.


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