Happy Easter Weekend!

Whew. DH spent all weekend rewiring the overhead lights upstairs. Next up is the basement. Don't think we'll get all the corrections done by the end of the time frame left on our electrical permit. We may just let it slide and buy a new permit. That gives us another year...to procrastinate! There wasn't much I could do. Felt pretty much useless since I'm used to helping in whatever he does. I cleaned the house, did homework, and watched the TV a bit. Such an exciting Easter weekend.

Finally got my taxes finished this morning. There was an error I couldn't get fixed, but when I opened Turbotax this morning there were updates available. I loaded them and taadaa! I got the error fixed first try. So it's printed and ready for DH to sign. We actually get money back this year. Not a great amount, but some.

The date is set for the all girls camping weekend Aug. 10-12. Same place as last year. Looking forward to it. I've got to get the invites out today or tomorrow also so people can mark it in their schedules. If people don't show up then so be it. I'll still have a relaxing weekend!

An interesting (whew I need a cigarette kind of interesting) read is at www.straightwhiteguy.com. Read the April 7 entry. G-rated porn I guess you could call it. Where can I sign up? :) Every girls fantasy!


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