Adventures in Woodworking

Here's a picture of a bench I just finished. Yep, I built it myself. Turned out rather cute if I do say so. Don't know if that will be the final placement of it. I had originally figured on putting it on the porch, but it turned out deeper than I imagined so will impede the swing of the door. Now I am inspired to try other yard furniture! Perhaps an adirondack chair?! Fits well with the Tulip festival going on this month in the valley. Didn't plan it that way, however. The original plan said to cut out hearts on the legs and use them for the back. Well, not being a particularly "heartsy" person, I opted to change it to a tulip. That was a pretty simple shape to freehand.
Not bad, eh?


Anonymous said…
Cudi: You crafty woman you--cute bench. If I had a house, or even a balcony, I'd hit you up for one. I think a hole in the middle with a planter would look cute too. Thanks for the link to your blog, I'd lost it a while back. I have to go check on Sunny--she's been in the bathtub for at least 45 minutes now. I hear her butt squelching along the bottom of the tub so I know she hasn't drowned... Talk to you later! XOXOXO Donna

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