
The news reports we'll get winds and gusts up to 60 mph tonight. Hopefully I have everything battened down. Hope it blows all the leaves in my yard away. I don't have maple trees, but the neighbors have a big one. It is on the corner of their property and wouldn't ya know all the leaves accumulate in my yard not theirs. They never have to rake. Yours truly does and I've been a slacker this year. Not to mention all the darn rain we've had. Wet leaves don't rake easily.

I have a quiet evening tonight as DH is out with the guys. I finished sewing an Xmas gift for someone and did some schoolwork. I should be downloading songs on Napster while we have this trial membership, but I did some of that this morning and frankly I'm sick of doing it already and we still have several days to go before it ends! Went to Costco today to get some DVD+R's, and low and behold I made it out with just that! I tried to spend more, really I did! I just didn't see anything I absolutely had to get! I did see a book on Andrew Jackson that looked interesting, but figured I'd wait and get it at the thrift store for 50 cents. People ahead of me bought several hundred dollars worth of stuff. Gads. Must be from the islands or something. Two huge carts loaded with boxes and boxes of things. For DH and me I just don't see what all the fuss is about Costco. We've been members for years, but the majority of what we buy there is milk, laundry soap, coffee, and picture developing. Not much else! If you watch the sales at regular grocery stores you can make out just as well if not better.

Update - winds did hit high 40's to low 50's but alas, the leaves are still in the yard. They were too soggy to leave. Darn!!! A local jeweler is retiring and closing out inventory so DH bought me a pair of diamond earrings this weekend! Now I'm not one for bling as the saying goes, but the price was good, the sparkle was great, and I now own diamond earrings! By most bling experts they are miniscule, but for me they are perfect. Happy Birthday early Judi!


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