The power of water!

Remember when I mentioned the husband giving me permission to get rid of or thin out his accumulation of stuff? I filled our garbage can with some, put a large Hefty sack full of stuff in the back of the truck for a dump run, and have another one filled and ready to take out to the truck. There's two big boxes of stuff that needs to be sold or donated. I'm still not even close to being finished either! I went to Lowe's to look at a system for storing the various boxes of screws, nails, etc. Found a cheap system with yellow bins that snap on to a rail. I broke out my new labelling system and went to work. Now his boxes of screws are put into bins on the wall, labelled, and off his workbench where they were piled. I also purchased an 18-bin drawer unit for other stuff. I originally was thinking of it for spare fittings, but when I got it home it wasn't such a grand idea. I'll ponder that a while. I've begun a garage sale pile too. I may not wait till garage sale season and just donate it to Goodwill. He thinks I'm focusing on just his stuff. Little does he realize I plan on being merciless with my crap also.

The Skagit river is probably at flood stage right now. I went to take pix of it today and it was looking pretty grim. New forecast says it won't crest as high as previously predicted which bodes well for downtown. Pretty crazy watching all the debris whizzing by. There were trees, logs, brush, and I swear I saw part of a street sign or mailbox. The picture above right is a bit deceiving. The first line of trees in the water is where the usual rivers edge is located, normally well above the level of the river. It has gone over and is surrounding and behind the trees into the park. There's a secondary dike behind the park to try and protect the west side of town. Seems to be working. People sand bagged the revetment all night last night. Now the powers that be say the river won't crest high enough to get to the sandbagging. Better safe than sorry.


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