Still alive. No, really!


I'm shocked to see how long it's been since I last visited here.  I knew time was flying but whoa!  In the last 1.5 years approximately Covid has reduced to a dull roar, my bestie and I went on a walking trip through the Cotswolds, I've sewn sporadically completing many items, and have begun working on long neglected to-do's on my house.  I sprang for a professional to put down linoleum in the bathroom a couple months ago, then invested in a high efficiency toilet, bidet seat and vanity which I installed myself.  I just finished painting the bathroom walls this weekend.  Next up I think will be working on the shed now that a new roof and gutters are completed. I really need to get a new door built for it.  Weather and wear have taken a toll.

Earlier this month I went to Eugene for a long weekend to see cousins.  I had a really good time visiting and getting to know them better.  Also learned more about grandfather and his history.  Stayed in a nice little AirBnB not far from my cousins.  I'm behind the curve here as that's the first time I've booked anything on AirBnB.  I really liked the ease of the whole process.  Speaking of family, my brother and his wife bought a house in Cle Elum and will be moving next month.  They are currently in Norway on holiday.

Perhaps one of these days I'll take a picture or two of my sewing makes.  If I remember.  We'll see.  


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