3 days to myself that isn't a holiday

 The Anacortes Arts Festival is on my to-do list tomorrow.  I took the day off to play hookie with my bestie.  We'll start out the day with breakfast at Calico Cupboard.  It's been YEARS since I've been there.  At least two!!  Probably closer to 3.  After that we'll head to Anacortes to partake of the shopping adventures there.  I don't plan to buy much, maybe some jewelry from the lady I've purchased from for the last 30 years or so. I follow her on FB and she'll be there. Truth be told I haven't been to the Arts Festival in probably 8-10 years either.  Just never had the $$ or the patience for crowds.  Since we're going bright and early on a Friday I hope it will be tolerable.

That leaves Saturday and Sunday to spend doing whatever I feel like.  Hmmm.  I do know I need to do some chores around the house, like painting the threshold on the back porch which will only take a few minutes.  Prepping and getting everything out, then put away, will take more time than the actual painting.  So it goes.  


At work the people I deal with on the phones have been extremely cranky this week.  And rude.  Don't know if it's the weather, the result of finally having to converse with people after a long stretch of little social interaction, the phase of the moon, or something in the water.  One person brought my coworker to tears yesterday afternoon.  Had I been there I'd have taken over the call and shut him down.  Or at least tried.  Felt bad for her as she lets pissy people affect her.  She rises to their bait.  Yeah, no.  Nip that crap in the bud.   Anyway, she was largely over it today.  Needless to say glad it was a short week.  I mentioned to another coworker that "Today has been a long week" and she laughed.  That's how it felt!  One day felt like 5.  


Here's to a relaxing 3 day weekend for me.  Stay safe, mask up, and have respect for your fellow humans.  Maybe THAT'LL be contagious.   We can hope.






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