The grass is green when I remember to water it!

 I see grass starts!  The area where the 2nd raised bed was I deconstructed is beginning to show signs the grass seed I threw down is beginning to do something.  Whew.  I was concerned I let it get too dry a couple times.  The yard is looking pretty good if I do say so myself.  

Perhaps it's a sign of getting older.  I have been ruminating, being more introspective and thoughtful about myself and my path on this earth.  The desire to leave a smaller footprint, a kinder, more patient way of dealing with people.  It's a far cry from my self-important, full speed ahead previous method of living.  Perhaps it's the hard life lessons I've now got under my belt, the disappointments, hurts, joys and sadness.  I'm just trying to be a better human nowadays.  Not always easy.  The urge to throat punch people sometimes has mellowed.  I'm even working on my potty mouth, trying to put my check valve back in place.  Gah.  Tough.  Also working on being a more thoughtful human.

Yesterday was a good day.  The day started at 5:45 when I got the laundry dried and put away.  Thank goodness Lowes opens so early.  I was there by 6:20 to get a sprayer and a flag then home to spray herbicide on the weeds under my porch and around the shed.  I don't like to use it, so I apply it in only a couple areas of my yard that are hard to get under control.  The flag I bought has just a sleeve, not grommets to hang it with.  Grrr.  Don't like that.  It slides down the pole.  I need a new pole anyway, so next payday maybe I'll invest in a new one as well as grommets on the flag itself.  The lawn got mowed and trimmed, and I finally got that clay pigeon chucker thingie out of the rafters of the shed and put it in the parking area with a free sign.  That was a chore that has been on my mind since the ex left a couple of years ago.  Also a couple jack stands.  

This Sunday morning is starting slowly.  A nice cup of coffee or three, Sunday Morning on CBS, and still in pj's.  My digestive tract is giving me a bit of trouble, however.  Don't know if I ate something not agreeing with me or other.  I feel fine otherwise. I'll be sticking close to home today due to that.  Maybe I'll dig the bike rack out of the shed and put it on the car.  It is the season for thinking of riding again.

Have a great Sunday to whoever reads this, if anyone does.




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