What a strange year it's been

 What a strange year it's been.  Though I've sailed through the last year in good health physically and mentally, I must say the lack of contact with family and friends is beginning to wear.  If I didn't have work peeps to help keep me sane I don't know if I could say I was doing okay.  Though none of them will read this I'm sending a shout-out to the universe in thanks for them.

I've accomplished a few things around the house this past year.  Not enough to crow about.  I did not know if furloughs at work etc would affect me and my budget, so I've not tackled any higher dollar things until today when I had a landscaper level out and put sod on the dirt patch at the south end of the yard.  That ran almost $900 but it was so very worth it.  I will no longer almost bust my ankle at the abrupt drop from the sidewalk to the yard and that eyesore is now beautiful. I sprang for an electric pressure washer last year and put it to some use.  I see after walking around the yard I'll be tackling sidewalks this spring as well as another quick clean of the driveway to the basement.  

The kitchen got painted last summer.  It looks so much better but sure was a lot of work. Now I just need to save $$ and get new flooring and cupboards.  Someday.  That is more costly and may never happen, but we'll see.  The living room also got a long overdue coat of paint.  

I recently got both Covid-19 shots, so I'm as protected as I could be given the changing pandemic. In turn that makes me want to get out amongst people again.  That is an urge I fight every weekend lately.  After I paid the landscaper I left to get groceries at the Coop as well as drop off my old Kindle to recycle.  While I was out I ran to Bargains Galore to check out their fabric stash.  It was for naught.  Felt good to take a few minutes for frivolousness before heading home to wipe down my oven after its self-cleaning cycle.

Speaking of which, I need to mop the kitchen again.  For some reason it got pretty grubby this week.  On that note I'll sign off.  Hopefully won't be almost a year before I write again!



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