We're really in this situation

Strange times.  I am so disheartened with so many things going on here in the USA.  The commonplace use of force by police, the disproportionate amount of colored death by law enforcement, the self-serving toad in the white house, the sheep that line up behind him to support the party agenda whether it is illegal, immoral, or inhumane.  The need for protests because Black Lives STILL MATTER but so many continue to serve the prejudiced notions brought about from 400 years ago.  I had thought, mistakenly, that we had crossed some line and were changing for the better.  It is absolutely heartbreaking that we are instead going backwards.  The fascist turn of our governance (scary), the friends and acquaintances I have long respected having such ignorant, blind faith in the current President and cannot see it.  I have lost much respect for them.  I can't even bear to utter his name and in his 3+ years in the office I have yet to put the word President in front of his name.  He is not my president.  While I have disagreed with previous presidents I had enough respect for them as people and for the office to call them President (insert name). 

Heartbreaking for my country and all people in it.  I get teary if I dwell on it.  This is word vomit but I had to put it down somewhere and fb instigates arguments rather than educated discourse.  So very sad. 

On top of all that is the Covid-19 problems.  The death rate.  Again, ignorant people thinking it is a conspiracy, overblown by the press, and just like the flu.  Read up on it for goodness sakes, from something and somewhere other than Fox & Friends for crying out loud.  Science shows it is worse.  So many have died in so short of time.  I wonder for those that had it bad but recovered what long term effects will be on their bodies.  No one knows.  It's a new virus.



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