Will the rain ever stop?!?

Gale force winds, snow a couple weeks ago, and rain.  Always the rain.  It's that time of year here in the great PNW.  On top of that fun I seem to have come down with a head cold.  My nose has become a snot faucet and I'm sneezing.  A lot.  Just woke up with it this  morning so I called in sick.  Didn't want to spread it around.  Other than kind of tired yesterday I didn't feel bad at all.  2:15 or so this morning having to sneeze and blow my nose woke me up.  Didn't get much sleep after that.  Oh well.  I guess I was due as many of my coworkers succumbed last month.

Been doing some sewing, tho not as much as I probably should as I've had the time, just not the inclination.  My skills continue to improve, my ability to fit gets a wee bit better with every item I sew.  Thank gawd for that.  Gah.

I also splurged on a new camera for my trip next September.  Well, refurbished. Too bad the weather hasn't cooperated for me to get out and experiment with it.  Soon.  I hope.  I also adopted a cat last month, on the winter solstice.  She's black, about 4 years old, and very playful now that she's settled in.  Verna.  Not crazy about her name, but it's what she came with.

Another expenditure I didn't really want is a new laptop.  Well, refurbished as I can't see paying for a brand new one.  Keep some of that crap outta the landfills.  It should arrive Friday.  The one I'm currently using is Windows 7, which is now obsolete, and the innards of this one won't support Windows 10.  So, either pay to rebuild the innards which may or not be feasible, or get one already ready to go.  With Windows 10 Pro no less. 

On top of all that is my goal to drop 30 lbs by my trip.  Been at it 2 weeks and have lost 3 lbs.  Slightly disappointed as I was hoping for 4-5 the first week, but apparently I don't have as much water weight to lose, or maybe I'm metabolically resistant.  As long as I'm losing I'm okay with it.  I'm the heaviest I have ever been in my life.  Seems menopause should have a weight gain disclaimer!  Dang!!

Here's to a successful and happy 2020.


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