A day for of thanks to everyone

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family.  May it be a peaceful, family-filled or as is my case today a quiet peace filled day. 

The new door idea?  Well, that is being put on hold.  Seriously.  The mutant back porch/enclosed lean-to whatever it is will require more effort to replace the door/jamb combo than I figured.  Looks like it may fall apart if the old jamb structure is removed.  Can't quite tell what is shoring it up as it stands.  So, I may just go get a slab door, transfer the hardware from the old to the new slab, add a sweep, cut to size, and hang it in the old frame.  Call it good.  I'll work on that perhaps in the spring.

My BFF and I are going to take that Foot Trails trip in England come next September.  We got the deposit down, bought airline tix, now just working to save enough to pay off the rest.  In the interim I made a last minute road trip to Texas with another friend to deliver her car to her grandson outside Dallas.  It was a quick but lovely trip.  The weather gods were definitely smiling on us the whole way. 

I made a definite mental note to go back to Moab to explore the landscape more.  Gorgeous!!!!!!

Got some sewing done today before I finished up a couple UFO's on my sewing table.  The blouse sat on my table waiting for me to sew buttonholes and buttons and a hem on it.  Done.  The pair of stretch ponte pants I tried out? Done.  Felt good.  Next up this afternoon is a muslin for Mickie's chair arm covers.  I don't want to waste the  deconstructed pillow fabric from her new couch as that's the only original fabric so I don't want to screw it up.  I know it's been a...month(?) since I brought them home.  I promise to get them done asap.  No, really.  I promise.  :-\

Speaking of, I'll finish my glass of wine I was drinking with my chicken dinner and head back downstairs to sew. 

Blessings to all.



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