Day Dreaming about doors and trekking

Hello again whoever reads this, me mostly.  I went to see my uncle in Idaho a few weeks ago.  Drove over there with my Aunt and cousin.  Had a very nice time.  Relaxing and full of family time.  It had been a year since I was last there.  My Uncle's health has taken a turn.  It was a shock to see him that way.  He's even considering moving back here to be closer to immediate relatives.  I hope so, since a 6 hour drive is not a quick way to check in on him regularly.

I got a quote on a new back door, fiberglass not steel.  There's someone coming to check where it'd go and give me a quote on labor.  Good golly.  New doors are NOT cheap.  If I was more confident in my carpentry skills I'd buy it with the jamb and install it myself but since it's in my old, wonky house and the door frame is odd I figured I better pony up for a professional so it'd get installed correctly.  Sigh.  I'll get another couple quotes from other places once this one is in.  Ugh.

Something that is floating around in the back of my mind for perhaps next summer or early fall: A walking holiday in england.  The Cotswalds I'm thinking although that part is still debatable.  I have spent a bit of time checking costs so I'll need to save my shekels and get in better shape, but I think it'd be a great deal of fun.  Something bucket list worthy.  There's some tours on Roads Scholar that sound good too.  Just toying with ideas.


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